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Post 16 Exams Information

Examination Guidance for Students and Parents 2024 2025

It is the aim of Rodillian Academy to make the examination experience as stress-free and as successful as possible for all candidates. It is important that students do not miss any of their exams, and we respectfully request that you do not book holidays during term time and the examination periods.

Internal Mock Exam Dates 2024-25 

Key Dates

11th - 22nd November 2024

Year 13 Mock Examinations

6th - 10th January 2025

Year 12 Mock Examinations

3rd - 14th February 2025

Year 13 Mock Examinations

23rd June - 4th July 2025

Year 12 End of Year exams

External Examinations 2024-2025

Exam boards have released provisional timetables for Summer 2025 exam series. 

The exam period will run from 12th May  to the 20th June.  This means that exams will be taking place during our June half-term holiday

The national contingency day, set by JCQ, is 25th June 2025. Students are strongly advised to be available on this date should it need to be used. 

Final exam dates will be published here once timetables have been confirmed. 

  • November GCSE Resit Results Day - 9th January 2025
  • A Level Results Day - Thursday 14th August 2025
  • GCSE Results & Enrolment Day - Thursday 21st August 2025

Result Certificates

A Level results certificates from the 2024 exams will be available to collect on Tuesday 7 February from 2:30pm onwards. 

If you are unable to collect them on this date please contact our Exams Officer, Jennine Southorn - [email protected] to arrange an alternative date and time. 

Need Help?

Please click the links below for useful documents.

Please contact our Exams Officer Mrs Southorn if you have any questions or concerns - 01924 976128 or [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When will I get my examination timetable?

All students will receive a personalised exam timetable for all mock and external examinations.

It is important that students do not miss any of their exams and we respectfully request that you do not book holidays during term time and the examination periods. If you have any queries, see Mrs Southorn immediately. It is essential that you check your timetable carefully for the dates and times of your examinations.

Q. What do I do if there is a clash on my timetable?

The Examinations Officer will re-schedule papers, where there is a clash of subjects. Students will normally sit one paper then have a break during which they will be supervised and must not have any communication with other students. They will then sit the second subject paper.

 Q. What do I do if I am ill on the day of examination?

Inform the Examinations Officer at school as soon as possible. You will need to obtain a letter from your GP detailing your illness.

 Q. What should I do if there is bad weather on the day of my exam?

Exam Boards make no allowances for bad weather. External exams cannot be rescheduled and therefore exams will continue to take place even if normal lessons do not. It is important that you plan ahead and make arrangements to ensure that you arrive on time for your exams.

Q. If I’m late can I still sit the examination?

Yes, provided you are not more than 1 hour late. You should get to school as quickly as possible and report to the Examinations Officer who will escort you to the examination room.

All students should aim to arrive 15 minutes before the exam start time. You should plan ahead and make alternative travel arrangements if necessary. If you are unable to get to Rodillian Academy safely, you should contact us as soon as possible, leaving a detailed message if the phone lines are busy.

Q. If I miss the examination can I take it on another day?


Q. Can I leave the examination early?


Q. What is an Appeal for Special Consideration?

Special Consideration is an adjustment to the marks or grades of a student who is eligible. You should be aware that any adjustment is likely to be small. Special Consideration can be applied for in the case of illness, accident, injury, bereavement, or a domestic crisis. If you think that you are a candidate for Special Consideration you must inform the Examinations Officer immediately, so that the necessary paperwork can be completed.

Q. Can I bring my mobile telephone into the examination room?

No. It must be turned off and left in your bag.  Being in possession of a mobile phone (or any other electronic communication device) is regarded as cheating. Smart Watches must also be removed.

Q. What happens at the end of the examination?

At the end of the examination all work must be handed in. If you have used more than one answer book or loose sheets of paper, ask for a tag to fasten them together in the correct order. Invigilators will collect your examination papers before you leave the room. Absolute silence must be maintained during this time. Remember you are still under examination conditions until you have left the room.

Q. What do I do if the fire alarm goes?

The examination invigilators will tell you what to do.

Q. Can another person pick up my results?

If you are unable to collect your results then you can ask another person to collect them on your behalf, however you must give your written authorisation to the Academy before results day.

Q. What do I do if I don’t get the grades I need?

 Teaching staff will be available to advise you on Results Day. If you feel strongly that it is necessary to make an enquiry about your results you should first consult the Subject Leader to obtain their advice.

Certificates from summer exams will be made available in January.

If you have any queries or need help or advice at any time before, during or after the examinations please contact: [email protected]

All relevant examination information as well as instructions for exams can all be found on the Rodillian Academy website.